Monday, March 5, 2007

Cover Letters: The Do's and Don'ts

In your cover letters, remember that you are selling yourself to the business firms. And as you sell yourself, you must do it efficiently. Most of the corporate owners look into the cover letters which you attach to your resume. In seeking for a job, it is important that you include your cover letters because it will be the mirror of your intentions to the company.

It pays to remember that your cover letters should sound professional and must be well-written. It will be the basis of a possible opportunity which the companies will be offering you and your passport to securing interviews and examination appointments. So what are you waiting for? You should freshen up your mind and start conceptualizing your cover letters! Follow these do's and don'ts in writing your cover letters and foresee your gateway to the corporate world opening right before your own eyes!

The Must-Do's for Cover Letters

Always be concise. A very lengthy cover letter will be boring for the reader. Most of the recipients are busy individuals and a mere glance at your cover letter may already bring them some discouragement. Cover letters composed of three up to four paragraphs will do. Just remember that you ought to specify your credentials, list of qualifications, and why you think you are suitable for the said position. Never ever make use of lengthy sentences. A standard sentence usually comprises of 15 up to 20 words. Be straightforward in every sentence but do not sacrifice the thoughts which you think the company needs to know about you.

Be professional, original, and employ your personal style. If you plan to send your cover letters to a lot of the companies which you prefer to work with, it will be advisable that you create a customized one for your use. This will save you enough time. But remember though that you must spice up your cover letter. Never mistake the identity of the addressee. Be certain of the recipient's gender. It pays off to do some researches before finally drafting your cover letters.

Always proofread your cover letters. Do not brag that you are the most excellent writer which the world has ever known. You are still prone to creating mistakes. Take particular attention to the grammar, misspelled words, punctuation marks, and the sentence construction. If your cover letters are error-free, you are then likely to create a positive impact to the recipient. In short, make proofreading a habit of yours.

The Don'ts for Cover Letters

Don't employ a passive tone. Use the active voice of the verbs instead of the passive. Take note that you are marketing yourself and selling your skills in your cover letters. And this you must do effectively.

Don't repeat the resume in a verbatim style. Strive for an interesting cover letter. Make it pleasing to the eyes of the readers. Always paraphrase the sentences which seem to be redundant.

Don't ever fail to sign your cover letters. Important documents require your signature. This is not only for formality's sake but it will act as your confirmation to the application you just had. It will signify that the contents of the letter are with your full consent and knowledge.


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